Week ending 8th January 2017


We had another fantastic week at the Sportfish Game Fishing Centre on Haywards Farm lake with a rod average approaching 5 fish per angler, with an average weight of 3lb 8oz.  Congratulations to Simon Bedwell for catching the largest and jackpot tagged fish, a rainbow trout weighing 10lb 8oz on a Cats Whisker with two others weighing 9lb and 7lb.

Mr Todd had a beautiful 3lb 9oz brown trout also on a Cats Whisker!

Other anglers have had good success with lures including:- Orange Goldhead Fritz, Orange Blobs, Black Tadploes and Blue Flash Damsels fished on floating and intermediate fly lines.  Those anglers venturing out in the boat have had great success with sinking lines and have caught some cracking larger rainbows.