Week ending 11th November 2018


The fishing last week was outstanding 137 fish from 33 anglers giving a strong average of 4.15 fish per visit. The biggest fish of the week fell to Davy Monroe. It weighed 7lb 1oz and fell to a black leech fished on an intermediate line.
The second green tagged fish was also caught by John Perry winning him a massive £750. Well done John!
A new tagged fish will be stocked this week with the bounty opening at £250 so there’s still reason to be in it to win it!
Warm, cloudy weather has produced great sport from the bank and a myriad of patterns have been working from buzzers swung on the breeze to snakes pulled on an intermediate. The long, hot summer and associated temperatures are really now a thing of the past and the fish are loving it.
Don’t forget to check back for club booking announcements and remember to always book a boat if you require one. Our number here is 0118 930 3860.