Week ending March 24th


Spring is almost starting to feel like it is in the air, flies are hatching and fish are on the move. Flurries of buzzers have started to trickle off and late in the day plenty of fish have been showing on the surface. The fish on the whole have been up in the water and most have mainly fallen to floating lines. Diawl bachs, damsels and buzzers have been successful approaches but mini lures always pick up some of the fresh fish that have gone in. A nice mixture of sizes including some doubles have been introduced with more big fish due over the next few weeks as they start to become available to us. As always keep on the move and get around the lake, the newly restored  boats have fished well especially on the brighter days when fish have gone down a little in the water. The lakes are like gin at the moment so if your fly gets anywhere close to a fish it will see it!