This is not a full week‘s catch returns because the weekend of 11th and 12th May was our annual Sportfish Show and the lake was closed to fishing, except for show use. It got some great use during the course of the show too with Jeremy Wade showing that lure fishing will (mostly) always outfish the fly by beating RIO‘s Simon Gawesworth 4 to 1 in the lure v fly challenge.
The best fish of show weekend however was young James Penwright‘s estimated 14lb rainbow, which he netted while talking to Snowbee‘s Simon Kidd about getting youngsters into fishing – what a cracking fish it was too!

James and his giant trout!
We were also delighted to be able to introduce dozens of new young anglers to the joys of fishing on Kingfisher Pond, our new beginner‘s lake. All of them learned to cast, caught a trout and went home with vacuum–packed fillets for dinner!

Happy faces on Kingfisher Pond
Don‘t miss next year‘s show, it‘s over the weekend of 9th and 10th May. We‘ll be back with our usual catch report round up next week, early signs are that the fishing is great with some very hefty fish showing on top.