Week ending 13th October 2019


Thanks to periods of fairly incessant, heavy rain this was a challenging week to say the least, but there were still fish to be caught and we did see bent rods throughout the period. Thankfully, with the weather finally beginning to dry out, we are already beginning to see far better returns and a lot more consistency to catches.

As might have been expected, for the week ending 13th October the rod average was down on the previous week, but at 2.8 it was not too bad. Buzzers have continued to perform well, mini lures and fry patterns were still taking a few fish and by the end of the week blobs and damsels were beginning to come to the fore with the sink, wait, wait, wait….and strip approach the ‘go to‘ method.

This Saturday, 19th October, we are hosting a ‘50:50‘ event, at which we will be introducing lots of beginners to the wonderful world of fly fishing but the shop and Haywards Farm Lake will be open for business as usual.