Week ending 15th December 2019


It really was an exceptional week‘s fishing with takes all around the lake and from the boats too with several anglers bagging six or more in a session with four double figure specimens recorded on the catch return cards.

Our annual fur and feather match was a great success too, despite some horrible weather, we will have a full report and some images on that up for you as soon as possible.

As far as the fishing was concerned a few blues and tigers put in an appearance and with very high water levels more that a few fish were tight to the banks, probably foraging for worms and other invertebrates that may have been washed in. Snakes of various descriptions were the go–to pattern for the week but damsel nymphs were taking fish too. The quality of the fishing is likely to remain excellent over Christmas and New Year, so get on down here over the holiday period and enjoy some fabulous festive fishing!

Finally a reminder, please DO make sure you complete and return your catch return card after every session, even nil returns, as it helps our stocking policy and, of course, the accuracy of these weekly reports. The catch return is on the reverse of your fishery ticket, and the box to pop it into at the end of your session is at the front of the lodge. No excuses, folks!