Week ending 28th April 2019


Catches were down a little this week, although Haywards Farm Lake continues to fish well, particularly to those fishers who know how to present a buzzer – the fish are on them big time – although this week it was red patterns taking the lion‘s share of the fish, rather than black. Apart from buzzers small blue flash damsels were catching well and there were a good few pulls to pheasant tails and tadpoles too.

The water clarity remains excellent, although there has been a little willow blowing onto the surface, as is typical for the time of year.

Bank fishers are finding trout but once again this week the boats were most effective, so do call on 0118 930 3860 to book yourself in.

Just a reminder that we are closed for fishing over the weekend of 11th and 12th May for the annual Sportfish Show. This year the event is set to be the best ever with some incredible tackle deals and discounts and some superb talks and demonstrations – including the one and only Jeremy Wade. Check out full details by clicking HERE