Fishing Report 27th March


Last week was a week or four seasons! Beautiful sunshine and spring-like conditions one minute and torrential rain and strong winds the next! However, despite the very changeable weather some anglers still ventured out and were rewarded for their efforts.

The better conditions saw lots of buzzers hatching and plenty of surface activity all around the lake as trout eagerly sipped down emerging adults. This is a great sign of things to come and, as we write this report we can see fish topping left, right and centre on the glassy surface – roll on some dry fly action!

Needless to say, nymphs and buzzers have worked well with the washing line and bung taking plenty in the top 3-4 feet of water. Mini lures have taken a few but it looks very much like the imitative approach is working best.

With the clocks having now changed we expect anglers to make the most of the longer days. If you want to join them then please make sure you have purchased your tickets before the shop closes at 5.30pm.

Tight lines!