Fishing Report 15th May


The good weather continues and the temperatures have certainly been creeping up to something more like you would expect for this time of year. The hatches are in full swing and the mayfly are continuing to build up momentum but are not close to full on just yet. The brighter sunny days will delay the hatch until the evenings when the sun is less aggressive.

If you do want to get in on the mayfly action staying on into the evening could be very beneficial. Lots of angler have been catching good numbers of fish and have concentrated their efforts in the top 2-3 feet of water using naturals including lightweight buzzers, diawl bachs, PTN and damsels. Washing line and indicators have worked well to control the depth of the flies and those on dry fly had some great results.

The forecast for the next week or so is showing more warm conditions with some sunny days so please don’t forget to bring some sun cream with you to protect yourself from getting burnt!