Fishing Report 5th January


Well happy New Year to you all! We hope you had a great break and enjoyed your Christmas. Despite some of the weather we had between Christmas and New Year, plenty of anglers came to get their last fix of 2022!

The fish certainly turned on after being rather subdued for several days after some of the heavy rains we had and the cold temperatures. The milder conditions saw plenty of fish landed on a variety of methods from lures to nymphs with one or two even coming to dry fly. Plenty of buzzers have been coming off too which is great to see so early in the year and hopefully bodes well for the spring.

Notable catches include around 20 fish for a young pair of twin brothers (sorry we couldn’t find your names but couldn’t leave you out of being mentioned!) who had a fantastic day taking on several methods.

Great news on the water levels after some particularly heavy rains – the stream next to the lakes has almost burst its banks and has led to Kingfisher being backfilled and in turn Haywards Lake. We are getting close to full capacity now but please still take care when wading.