Week ending 26th January 2020


This week‘s catch return is prefaced by a comment from the Game Fishing Centre‘s manager, Jonno Randall, who said, ‘At the moment Haywards Farm Lake is fishing so very well that is is actually difficult NOT to catch!‘

As far as the fishing was concerned a few blues and tiger trout put in an appearance among the rainbows and there were plenty of big fish too, including a few doubles up to 11lb 4oz. The high water meant that boat fishing was not possible for some of the week due to the pontoon being flooded, but we are back in business now. Although, that said, the bank fishing has been incredible with the high water encouraging a lot of fish to get right into the margins and feast on worms and other invertebrates that have been washed in. No need for seriously long casts at the moment…

Plenty of fly patterns scored well during the week with buzzers particularly successful. Blue flash damsels, blobs and hare‘s ears all scored well too.

The fishing is likely to remain excellent for the week ahead, so make sure you make the most of it!